
Should you join our PTA???

Absolutely!! When our PTA is strong, our school is strong, and all children benefit when families and communities are involved with the PTA.  We understand that you may have concerns and we all have other obligations, but we hope to clarify here why you CAN and SHOULD join our efforts.

You may think PTA doesn't do anything important...

Fortunately, you are mistaken.  Our PTA is highly involved in creating programs and collaborating with teachers, staff, and other school/district leaders to ensure that our students and families have access to high-quality, relevant programming and events.  When you become a member, your input can help to shape the goals of our PTA.  Click here to learn more about what our PTA does and why PTA is important. 

You may not want to volunteer...

You're in luck!  Members are not obligated to volunteer.  You can choose when and if you'd like to volunteer, and what you want to volunteer for.  Joining the PTA does not tie you to more responsibilities; it makes you part of our community and shows that you are committed to the nurturing and success of our students.  Please know that ALL help is appreciated and ALL contributions matter!  

Your schedule may not allow you to come to meetings...

Unfortunately, we are unable to accommodate the schedules of all families.  However, to encourage increased participation, there are monthly meetings, at alternating times: Thursday evenings and Saturday mornings.  Meeting minutes will be e-mailed to all members.  

You may feel like PTA membership is just not for you...

The PTA is for everyone who is responsible for a child at Noble, as well as community members who want to see our school continue to thrive.  All parents/families are welcome to participate in all PTA events, regardless of membership.  However, you have a voice and all voices are needed.  The PTA can do what you want it to do, but only if we know what you want, and only if you become a member and use your voice to help guide us.

How to Join

Annual membership dues are $4.75 per member ($2.25 National PTA & $2.50 Ohio PTA).

Donations are accepted and appreciated, and any additional amount that you are able to contribute will directly benefit PTA programming at Noble.  

Thank you for considering!

To become a member, please click below to join and pay online.    

You may also print a membership form (see below) and submit the completed form along with your dues payment to the Noble office (drop off or mail).  Checks should be made payable to Noble PTA.  If you choose this option, please let us know so that we can be sure to check our mailbox at the school.

Membership Form 2024-25.pdf